
Healthy interdependence

on January 10, 1979 No comments

“You cannot subsist alone. No creature can. All created beings hang together on a chain of interdependence — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When the weight of dependence is put where it belongs — on God, on His personalized aspect who is personally near you — then you can create a healthy center of gravity anchored deep within your soul, for that is where He is to be found. His presence merges with your higher self, you truly become one. Thus all interdependence with others will be free from neurotic dependency. It will be healthy interdependence that will give you clear vision, the ability to adjudge realistically where your trust is justified and where not, and therefore a healthy relationship to your leaders and your followers. Without that proper gravity in God, you will always be confused, live in fear, distrust your judgment, become either too distrustful in the wrong place and/or too gullible in the wrong place.” (PL #258)

Pathwork OfficeHealthy interdependence

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